Yesterday we took the boys to a pumpkin patch. Noah was really thrilled to see all the pumpkins and ride the horse wagon out to the field. It was incredibly muddy, and he couldn't have been happier to really put his boots to good use. Avi slept in the front pack through the whole adventure until we pulled him out for a picture.
Noah is going to be "Professor Harold Hill"/"a band leader" for Halloween. I have just finished his costume. The look on his face was worth the time and energy spent making it. I finished the jacket Saturday night and he got to wear it to an early Halloween party. His face just lit up when he saw it. He was so excited. Then I got the hat done today and when I showed it to him you'd have thought I'd taken him to the moon. Cary brought home a small gold curtain rod from the hardware store today - since we discovered that you can't buy a baton anywhere in Eugene apparently. It works for Noah. Don't tell him it isn't a baton. He is as happy as if he really was leading a whole "boy's band," singing 76 Trombones all around the house and trying out different marching styles. Harold Hill has become Noah's equivalent to my Laura Ingles as a little girl. He talks about him constantly, as if he's a real person. "Where was he born mama?" Good thing I know the answer to that one, "Gary, Indiana." "Do you think he likes ______ (insert anything)" I should start using this to my advantage. I can hear myself tomorrow already, "You know Noah, Harold Hill eats his vegetables so he can be extra strong and healthy to lead his band." :)
In other Noah news, school is up and down. He had a lovely day today. His teacher was impressed at his cutting skills and his attention span at the particular activity. Last Friday on the other hand, he spit yogurt at the same teacher after she had him come sit by her for lunch because he couldn't stay in his seat. Once again, I find support for my theory that middle school students and toddlers/preschoolers actually have more in common than not. He likes that teacher a lot, therefore, he spit yogurt at her. Oy!
Avi has started sleeping longer spells at night, even doing 9 hours on Friday. Then of course, back to 3 hours the next night, but 6 on Sunday night. So the trend is in the right direction. And just on schedule like Dr. Feurth predicted, he is falling in love with his big brother. Can't take his eyes off him. He absolutely looks mesmerized whenever Noah is in view. He's also "talking" more and more.