Tuesday, July 26, 2011

The Mom Work-Out... Good for upper body strength

I think the security guys at the Eugene Emeralds game tonight weren't sure whether to help me or watch me carefully for signs of child abuse. I had to carry Avi out of the stadium kicking, screaming, hitting, and calling me "stupid" the whole way out.
It's a good thing I work out. He's one strong kid, muscles and will.
It took a while to calm him down, but he eventually went from angry to sad and was sort so able to acknowledge that he was the reason that we had to leave, so he needn't blame the rest of us.

Saturday, July 23, 2011


At what age will it no longer be necessary to tell our children that they have to actually use soap when they bathe?

Tuesday, July 19, 2011


I volunteered to take Avi's friend Sam to swimming lessons for this 4 week session. When I got there to pick her up she was having a meltdown. I tried to get her in the car, but nothing worked. Finally I had to go without her, as we were late for the lessons at that point. I could be sweet, playful, cajoling, a little firm yes, but patient overall with her, so why do none of those good parenting strategies come out when it's my own almost-four-year-old?
So we get to swimming lessons, late. It takes a couple of minutes to find out where the boys' classes are. Noah goes off to his, but I can't get Avi to join in with his. Now it's his turn to have a meltdown. Why? He didn't realize that it was a new session and he would be getting a new teacher. He was beside himself. That Avrim guy seemed likable enough, but Avi wasn't having any of it. Where was his teacher from last week?????? Oy. So, he never did get in the pool. Add that to the $6 from the soap down the drain last week. I love wasting money on nothing!

I think I forgot to record that Ezra's first tooth finally broke through a week ago today. At 9 1/2 months. He's on his own schedule this boy. I'm worried about his height. He was 5th% at his 9 month appointment, and he does seem so short. Charming to be sure, but short. I suppose there's no point in worrying about it though, when there's nothing I can do about it. (Though that didn't stop me from googling what I COULD do about it. Answer: Nothing - unless I want to try some crazy labor-intensive, herbal Indian concoctions. I guess I'm not that motivated after all.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Boys and Puddles

Question of the day:
Can a boy go past a puddle without doing one of the following?
a) stomping in it
b) pretending to almost stomp in it
c) seeing how close he can get to getting his shoes wet in it
d) seeing if he can jump over it
e) splashing a rock in it
f) seeing if he can straddle it and waddle from one end to the other
g) pushing or pretending to almost push a brother into it
h) drink from it (fortunately we're past that, but Avi has done it!)

My assessment from here. No, it is not physically possible for them to simply walk past without attempting one of the options above.

Avi got no less than three pair of pants wet today with this behavior. All before 1PM actually.
Have I mentioned how much laundry I do? I had no way of ever imagining so much laundry. At least today's sandals and rubber boots dry easier than sneakers.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Mt. Pisgah and more

What a day! We climbed Mt. Pisgah this morning. The boys did so well. See the Daring Boys' Club blog for more on that. Avi made it the whole way, a climb of over 1,000 feet in elevation. In fact, he lead the pack of six and seven-year-olds much of the way.

As if that wasn't enough for the day, we got home, I made them strip and shower as a precaution against the poison oak and then Avi had a quick lunch before Nina and her mom came to take him on a play date to the park and their house. Then back again in time to get ready for swim lessons at 5:15. Walk both ways to swim lessons (four blocks each way), which isn't a big deal unless you're not yet four years-old and you've already climbed a mountain and ran around a playground all day. But he was a trooper and did it all without a meltdown all day. Cary pointed out that tomorrow might be the day where we see the ramifications.

Noah and Avi and I finished reading The Adventures of Jerry Muskrat before bed. For a book that's nearly one hundred years old, it does an amazing job of still capturing children's attention. My grandma recommended the books to me as a child, and I had forgotten what they were until a librarian here helped me find them again. The boys have such different needs when it comes to stories, Noah who reads voraciously on his own, and Avi who still likes to have the same book read to him repeatedly. And yet, they both were completely pulled into this book, despite the simplicity of it and the old sound of the language.

Monday, July 11, 2011

End of story...

It's 8pm. I just checked on him. He's asleep as shown.

Poll: how long should I leave him in his room?

We got home from the grocery store a little bit ago. I has just finished unpacking everything. Avi was starting to open up the new $6 bottle of organic kiss my face foaming hand wash that I bought for the boys' bathroom in hopes that the foaming style would make less of a mess on their counter. I calmy, sweetly explained why I didn't want him to play with it in the kitchen (i.e. We don't need it right now, it will make a mess, and it's expensive). So he takes it upstairs to his bathroom and dumps the ENTIRE bottle out. $6 down the drain in a couple of minutes.
Noah reported this to me, so I had a moment to gather my senses (and confer with Jenn), so I was able to deal with him calmly and without yelling (or hitting). He is now shut in his room, I have explained why, have taken (and explained) his piggyback (of about $1), removed the entertaining bin of duplos from his room and shut the door. He said that he doesn't like me, but he sounds quite happy and content in there jabbering to himself. So, question is: it's 6:30 at night. He hasn't had dinner. How long can I leave him in there?

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Should I move him?

Avi had a roller coaster day. That being said, roller coaster days are so normal for him I hardly think anything of it. He had many ups today. Making pancakes with me. Going on the first picolo ride with Cary and Noah. Sweetly, without being asked, picking up Ezra's toys this evening. Not throwing a fit when I had to wash his hair after he had snuck off and put a huge amount of "product" in it. And then there were the other moments, when I asked him to go get dressed and he dumped all the shirts out of his drawer and then took more than an hour to put them away (most of the time attempting -unsuccessfully- to battle with me and not do it). Or like at bedtime when he got wild and finally calmed down after his story with Cary only to sneak out of his room while I was standing by Noah's bed and spit a huge mouthful of water at us. I don't know how he managed to hold enough water in his mouth to get Noah's bed and my shorts all wet, but he did. Enough's enough. I marched him back to his bed, gave him a swat on the bottom (hope CPS isn't reading this), turned off his lights by taking the switch from the lamp and using the pull-string for the overhead lamp and locking the door (again, hoping CPS isn't reading this). It was still light outside, so it wasn't like he had to be afraid in the pitch dark. I went to check on him a little later, and this is how I found him.
I picked him up and put him in bed. I figured he'd be awfully discombobulated if he woke up like that in the middle of the night.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Treats... Mmmm

I wonder how many of the cough drop "treats" Avi snuck and ate before he was caught? It's good that little kids aren't very good at covering up their tracks, since it makes it easier to catch them and (keep them safe) when the bathroom drawer with cough drops is open and the wrappers and the sticky, half-sucked, less-desirable-flavored drops are strewn about.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

"God said..."

"God told me I had an owie on my finger. I had an owie on my toe and I didn't feel it and then I felt it and God put an owie on my finger and told me I had an owie on my toe and my finger." So said Avi. Can't follow the train of thought, I'm not sure anyone could.

Smart boys

Avi really wanted to play with Rush Hour. It's for ages 8 and up. I discouraged him. He persuaded me. I thought setting up the cars in the arrangement shown on the picture would be enough of a challenge for a not quite four-year-old. No problem. Then he astounded me by actually solving the puzzle on his own multiple times. Then he got bored with it and just started being silly. What can I expect?
Not to be outdone by his older brothers, Ezra showed me the other day that he is following in their footsteps. When his binky fell under the drawer/step in the bathroom and he couldn't reach it without bonking his head, he grabbed a wooden footstool leg (that Avi had recently dismantled from) and used it to fish his binky out from under the step. I was pretty impressed. Of course someone pointed out that he's now as smart as a crow, but still, not bad for nine months.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

"Am I old enough yet?"

Noah's been asking since last summer when he would be old enough to go down the big yellow slide at Amazon Pool. Today was finally the day. He went down it about a dozen times.