Halloween was a success. Here are pictures of our completed costumes. Noah's has been worn on a daily basis actually, so it's less of a Halloween costume than a daily dress up piece now. Avi and I were Kang and Roo (the other way around of course). Not exactly a flattering shape for me, but I think we did effectively look like a kangaroo and joey, with our matching ears. Don't miss Avi's cute matching hat/ears and pants/tail.
In other developments...
We dusted off the old exer-saucer for Avi. It says for use after 4 months of age (Noah didn't use it until at least then), but we've started using it with Avi at only 2 and 1/2 months. He loves it. He wants to be standing all the time, and often doesn't like the bouncy seat because it reclines to much - he tries to sit up and lean forward in it - so I thought I'd give it a try. Now it's his favorite thing, right behind bath time and watching Noah that is. We've also started putting him in the highchair at the dinner table so that he's at the same level as the rest of us and sitting up straight. He likes this much better than being put in the swing at dinnertime. As a matter of fact, unlike Noah, Avi hasn't gotten much mileage out of his swing. And despite his apparent upper body strength and control, he still hates "tummy time." He'll start fussing within about 60 seconds usually.
He is producing full laughs and giggles now. And the bath brings out pure squeals of delight. He also seems to giggle every time I take his arms out of his sleeves. I think it's because he knows he is getting naked, his favorite state. He must have gotten that from his brother. Speaking of Noah, several times recently I have come in to wake him from a nap and found he's been sleeping in the buff! He of course thinks it's hilarious when I am surprised to uncover him that way.
In sleeping news, Avi has matured socially and therefore regressed in terms of his sleeping patterns. A month ago he was getting really good at going down when he was just a little bit awake still. Now that doesn't work at all. And his recent trick is to wake up about 30 minutes after going down to bed at night and then take a long time and much cajoling to get back to sleep. Thursday night when this happened we went in to him several times, patting, shshing, rocking and attempting to get him to fall back asleep for more than 3 minutes at a time. Finally Cary gave up and brought him upstairs where we were watching TV. Avi was all smiles, laughing, cooing, etc. I looked at that cherub and told Cary we had just been had. Not yet 3 months and already he knows how to totally manipulate his parents. I don’t think that we’ll be waiting until 11 months to make this one cry it out like we did with Noah.
Humorous Noah-isms recently:
“I certainly did,”
“Where was you?”
“I have a good idea!” (usually right before suggesting a slight variation on something you’ve just said no to)
“gianastic” (for really big)
“Hey, I have to tell/show you something.”
“When can I _____?” (insert any activity we’ve been discussing, like riding in a submarine, parachuting (to which I said never), surf, etc.
He still uses almost only male pronouns and objects (he and him, rather than she and her), despite our efforts.
He appears to be regaining his ability to self-entertain, lost temporarily in the wake of Avi’s arrival. His behavior also seems to be improving. Though he’s as strong-willed and stubborn as ever.
We’re in another series of swimming lessons, twice a week. His teacher is really good with him. She knows how to handle him pretty way, though there have been a couple of times when I’ve had to step in and tell him if he doesn’t follow directions (like no spitting water or going away from the place at the wall he’s supposed to stay while she’s working with the other student) that we’re going to have to get out of the pool.
In other wacky developments, he insists on having a line of stuffed animals along the edge of his bed before taking a nap or going to bed. He thinks it’s hilarious to put his pj bottoms on inside out and backwards after he gets up and goes to the bathroom in the morning. And he loves to wear his pants backwards (I let him at home but not when we go out.
Hi Gretch - I'm so glad you reminded me these are here. I love catching up on the updates I've missed. The 'Noahisms' are great.