Thursday, June 30, 2011

Proud Mama

Noah has been thoroughly enjoying Peace Village Camp. I was a little concerned about the fact that Rio was joining him on the second day because I really wanted him to fully experience the camp without the influence of his best friend. It was good that he had Monday by himself, because it gave him an opportunity to get used to the camp without Rio and then we talked Tuesday morning about carrying that experience through the week.
Anyhow, Rio was sent home from camp this afternoon because he just couldn't follow directions. He was a little out of control on the walk between TBI and the church I guess. I'm sorry for his sake, but I'm so proud of Noah that he didn't get pulled off track by him. He has grown so much in the past year. I feel confident about the two of then being together in 2nd grade now. I even asked Rev. Melanie, the camp leader, to find out if Noah was having a challenging time as well, and she said he wasn't. Yeah! His kindergarten teacher, Polly, would be so proud.
We talked about it on the walk home and he said Rio "can be so annoying sometimes."

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