Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Boys don't have any eggs"

A few weeks ago, the boys (mostly #1, but both he and the MC were part of it) and I had a human sexuality conversation triggered by the It's So Amazing Book that we have on the shelf.  It covered everything from eggs and sperm, to gay marriage, and intercourse.  All questions had been answered with comfort and ease, but without sharing more than they asked for.  Then in typical kid-style, it moved on to completely other topics (like Legos or star wars or who knows what) without any awkward conclusion.

The following conversation happened with the MC completely out-of-the-blue in the supermarket checkout line a couple of weeks later, and I've been meaning to record it for posterity's sake.
A (all of a sudden): I don't want to marry a boy when I grow up.
Me: Well, you don't have to marry a boy.  Chances are more likely that you'll want to marry a girl, but whatever.
A:Well, I don't want to marry a boy.
Me: OK, you don't have to, but just out of curiosity, why don't you want to marry a boy?
A (matter-of-factly): Boys don't have any eggs.
Me: That's true.  You need a girl for eggs.  So you can marry a girl then.
A: But we don't have any girls in our family.
Me: That's okay, you can't marry someone in your family anyhow.
A: But you and Daddy are married!

Ah, the "Family Circus-esque" simplicity of his perspective on his parents combined with his scientific knowledge of sperm and eggs and the progressive view on gay marriage all make for what I found to be pretty amusing conversation.


  1. This is absolutely perfect. MC's logic touches all the bases. Your openness and comfortable attitude are wonderful in the times we live in. You and your boys are seeming to enjoy each other more than in previous posts. I sense a positive turning of the corner.

  2. Oh it just depends on the moment. That's the thing I've learned about this parenting adventure. It's a daily roller coaster. A dozen sweet melt your heart moments interspersed between a dozen tear your hair out moment each day. Ah language, why is melting one's heart a good thing but not tearing our hair out? Anyhow, no, they drive me as batty as ever. But I love them more than I can describe at the same time. I imagine this duality will last for.... how long? Ever? Hopefully the roller coaster feature will calm down at some point.
