Monday, August 1, 2011

The soap opera continues

Avi's love affair with all things liquid and bottled and particularly soapy has continued. Apparently he found the need to experiment with dumping out all the liquid hand soap from the guest bath. This time I was not as upset about the loss of the soap because it wasn't a brand-new purchase. Instead I was upset because rather than dumping it down the sink, he found it more interesting to spread it all over the ottoman in the rumpus room. We didn't actually discover it until this afternoon. He apparently did it last night, so it had plenty of time to soak into the furniture and dry there.

In Ezra news (because lately I think my blog has been focused on dear Avi,) he handed me a book today and sat still long enough for me to read it to him. First time. Moo Baa La La La. Short, but complete. Milestone. I think even Avi put up with a book sooner than 10 months.

And Noah is becoming quite the artist. He is taking a drawing class on Mondays and really improving artistically a lot. Oh and last weekend he had his first sleepover at someone else's house, his friend Jude, who he's known since preschool. They had a great time. Sprinklers, wii sports, Harry Potter 4, breakfast in the UO commons, etc.

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