Friday, February 25, 2011

To roll or not to roll...

There's a reason that people say not to put a baby on the bed, even if he isn't rolling over yet. To which I'll add, even if your baby is the most immobile baby you've ever seen, watch out! Ezra doesn't really move an inch. I put him down on the floor, and unlike his brothers (Avi in particular) who would squirm and wiggle all over the place even before they were able to turn over, Ezra just stays put. Until one day last week. I put him down for some tummy time on the floor (thankfully) in his room and went next door to help Avi get dressed. When I came back a couple of minutes later, he was on his back two or even three feet away from where I had put him. Wow! Side note: my mom said I did the same thing as a baby and scared her to death. She had me on the floor in the living/dining room and I hadn't yet rolled over. She left the room and when she returned I was no where in sight. I had rolled under the china closet.
Anyhow, Ezra rolled over three times that day (Feb 15th), and then didn't roll again for another 8 days. That was two days ago now and he still hasn't done it again.
He is getting pretty funny about eating though. He wants to eat anything we're eating. Trying to grab my utensils or bowl or food right out of my hand. He successfully snatched a chocolate chip cookie right out of my hand the other day and shoved it in his mouth. He would have kept sucking on it happily had I not taken it away from him. That said, he's none too thrilled about the baby cereal I've been trying to give him. And, he's finding it increasingly difficult to nurse when anything interesting is happening around him. We practically have to be in the rocker in his bedroom for him to really take it seriously now, and then he eats as if I haven't offered him anything all day!

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