Friday, February 8, 2008


Last night we experienced a few moments of bliss. I even noticed it at the time and turned to Cary and told him to soak it up. He was cooking dinner. I was happily finishing the dinner prep dishes so that we could sit down to dinner with no dishes to do afterwards. Noah was playing with instruments in the music room and Avi was playing on the carpet beside him, happy to be near his super-star of a big brother. Ahhhhhh, I thought. This is it. Better take note, it may not last for long. It did though. It lasted several minutes until we brought them in for dinner. There’s hope for the future after all.

Today Noah spontaneously asked me what I thought was the best part of his day and then proceeded to tell me that it was when I got to the preschool Shabbat circle and sat by him. Enough to make a mom cry. Mind you, he never wants to sit on my lap there, always preferring the lap of a teacher. (Which works out for his friend Sammy who is always eager to plop down in my lap.) Nevertheless, given that I’m there every Friday afternoon for Shabbat circle, I was surprised and touched by his comment.

Tonight at the oneg after the Tot Shabbat service, Noah had more cookies than I’m afraid he should have, not to mention a slice of cake we shared. So when I saw him reaching for another cookie as we were leaving, I gave him a firm, “no,” complete with raised eyebrow. Much to my frustration, it didn’t stop him from reaching for it anyway. But I wasn’t prepared for his next move. With that familiar devilish twinkle in his eyes, he snatched it up as fast as lightning, licked the bottom of it, and then said, “Now it has my germs, so no one else can eat it!” But I was faster than he. I snatched it from him, saying, “but that doesn’t mean you’re going to eat it." (I had wanted another cookie myself, so I proceeded to eat it myself after he was out of sight. I'm not afraid of his germs. Heck, my lunch half the time is the uneaten food from his lunch box.) Given how wired he was when we tried to put him to bed tonight it’s a good thing he didn’t have one more cookie.

Avi’s 6 month check up was today. He’s no longer remarkable in the height and weight category. Although our bathroom scale measured him at 19 lbs a month ago, he weighed in at 17 lbs, 11 ounces today. While Dr. Feurth said that he probably hasn’t actually lost weight (any more than the normal daily variation everyone experiences), I suspect he might have due to the combination of his lack of appetite and his constant motion. Either way, he’s at the 50th percentile now, which as she pointed out, is about where we would expect him to be genetically. That’s okay, I’d rather have my kids remarkable in other areas than height or weight. The fact that he’s crawling at 6 months, and I’m pretty sure he’s beginning to say mamamamamama with some meaning some of the time is remarkable enough.

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