Thursday, March 22, 2012

Style doesn't matter until age 10 apparently

I've been cutting the boys' hair for years now.  That being said, I haven't cut Avi's since last fall and it's getting VERY long.  The last time I cut Avi's hair was such a horrific event that I swore I wouldn't cut his hair again until he proved to me that he could be cooperative with someone else.  It has yet to happen, but I think we're getting closer.  It's in his eyes a lot.  The deal is that he has to let Daddy, Grandma, or a professional give him a haircut before I get near him with scissors again.  The last time resulted in screaming and physical violence on both sides, including a nicked and bleeding ear.  As I said, horrific.  I don't ever need to repeat that experience with one of my children again.

But I digress, this story tonight is about the eldest of my boys.  To say that he is much more cooperative about haircuts is really only to highlight how awful the MC has been, because #1 fusses and moans the whole time and has to be reminded about every ten seconds to sit up straight.  He freaks out because of the hair that falls on his neck and face, and I have to constantly blow it off.  That being said, he willingly agrees to a cut when he starts to get shaggy.  His hair is so thick that it gets unruly.  So tonight when I was cutting it he just wanted me to cut it that fastest way possible.  I was trying to do just that by using the trimmer all the way around in two lengths, one for the back (1/4") and one for everything else (7/8").   I think it was the shortest I've ever gone on top.  It looks a little goofy, but I tried to fix it up the best I could with scissors afterwards.  Anyhow, the point of this story is really that I learned something important, two things actually.

Yesterday on our first of two snow days, Noah met up with his classmate Ruby sledding in the park.  He and Cary talked to Ruby and her mom about coming over for a play date later, and so the two of them spent a couple of hours playing Monopoly here in the afternoon.  Only later in the evening did it come out that he has a crush on Ruby.  I love that he shared this with us.  We talked about why.  So sweet.  She's friendly, nice, easy-going, likes the same stuff he likes, is smart, and significantly has sat next to him all year so far.  Fast forward again to tonight's hair cut.  He was so ready to be done and I was trying to convince him that it was a little wonky in the back and he should let me clean it up with the scissors.  He protested.  I suggested that he didn't want to go to school with goofy hair.  He said he didn't care.  I said something like, "What about Ruby?" He said, "Oh that doesn't matter until I'm ten."
Love it.  But oh my!  What's going to happen when he turns ten?  Watch out girls.

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