Sunday, May 15, 2011

Less than kingly speech

After a high energy afternoon at the park, Avi fell asleep on the couch yesterday afternoon and was unwakeable until after his bedtime. Forget Tot Shabbat service. Forget dinner. Cary wasn't home, so I just let him sleep on the couch until I got the other two in bed and then put him to bed. Cary got home and we decided to watch The King's Speech. About 10:30 we heard a pitter-patter up the stairs and he came into the rumpus room. Given the long long nap and the content of the movie, I decided to overlook the nighttime misdemeanor. He snuggled in next to me and actually watched the movie for over an hour until the end. Fabulous movie for us, but had to be dreadfully dull to a three-year old. He even said as one point, "This movie is boring," but that didn't stop him from staying up. Though we didn't express it aloud, Cary and I both figured it couldn't hurt. There was no violence, no sex, no overtly adult themes (at least not recognizable to a three-year old). And then Colin Firth as King George the 7th(?) with the encouragement of his speech therapist launches into a cursing firestorm. F-this and s-that over and over. Cary and I couldn't help but giggle nervously. How could we have been prepared for that? Avi started giggling too, but I think it was as much because we were and because the King also was gesticulating and dancing around. Thankfully, we haven't witnessed a change in his vocabulary since watching the movie.

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