Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Where did my Loveable Lump go?

For the first six plus months of his life, I was referring to Ezra fondly as "My Loveable Lump." He was so mellow, and stayed where I put him. That was the case until the last couple of days. He had turned on me. I knew he would. I knew he kept watching his older brothers and thinking to himself, "Someday I'm going to be like them. I'll show her." Joke's on him. I've been prepared this whole time. I keep telling people, "Yeah, he seems mellow and oh so easy, but the other two wild willful boys were easy too, I'm just biding my time." So it happened. I got seven months out of him. Just last week I could put him down on the ground surrounded by toys and he'd be happy for 20-30 minutes. Yes he technically does know how to roll in both directions, but he wouldn't for the most part. He'd sit until he fell over and then play in that spot on his tummy or back for a loooong time, happily. Now, it's like a switch was flipped. He has suddenly realized that he wants things and that he might be able to get them if he just ______ (fill in the blank). But he just can't quite ___________ (fill in the blank), and he is FRUSTRATED! I admit to finding it a little amusing when he's trying to reach for something and finds himself not getting it but instead getting farther and farther away from it due to the inexplicable backward scoot. I can remember one of the other boys doing the same thing. I think it was Noah. "Why am I going backwards? Why is that cool toy getting farther from my reach?" The legs are working, but not in the right direction. Not yet anyhow. But he's moving alright. Far from staying put he will twist, wiggle, roll, shimmy, and scoot his way all around a room in a decidedly non-linear pattern.
Not only is he dramatically different with regards to big-motor skills, but all of a sudden some flip was switched and he's grabbier, louder, and much more demonstrative in general. I knew his brothers would influence him. :)

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